Thursday, September 29, 2016


Directed by: Luke Scott
Starring by: Kate Mara, Michelle Yeoh, Anya Taylor-Joy, Toby Jones, Boyd Hollbrok
Production: 20th Century Fox

Another horror sci-fi this week as I read Morgan’s preview before I watched the movie…another option after I empty myself with laughter watching Warkop DKI reborn…

After the stabbing incident at some lab room, Lee Weather, starring by Kate Mara, she looks thinner –almost skinny – in this movie than she was on Fantastic Four as Sue Storm, went to the building at remote which held the experiment that funds by Corporate, the company where she works.

The project was about developing human-hybrid named Morgan and her job as Risk Management Consultant was to assess whether Morgan should be terminated or continues. Well, a smile blossom on my face a bit as I heard of her profession…it was something I recognized very much for about a decade when I’m still a company man on the old days…

And yup, it was the profile of Risk Management Consultant she’s performed. Cold, fully alert, precise, making approach to anybody to dig on the truth that lies behind words or expression. After her arrival she demands to meet all scientists there and she had fully access to every spot inside the place, the great authority which Risk Management Consultant had had. And like the authority of cops, everyone should help her to get all data she needs and you’re not allowed to hide any information.

Actually, what lies at the end of the story were revealed with two hints. First when Lee met Kathy Grieff who had eye injured from the stab attack. Lee tells her opinion about Lee. The second when Lee met Morgan herself for the first time so you’ve might know what it is right away.

At dinner Lee discussing about Morgan to entire crew who defending Morgan and try to convinced her that she’s alright. That the incident was a little tragedy which she regrets most and promising wont happened again. 

They’re treat her like their own child as the result of five years of Morgan's nursery, and Lee surprised Dr. Chan by speaking with her in Chinese. Lee told that Corporate forced to conduct psychology examination to Morgan, in order to get accurate result for addition besides what she will be recommended later.

The psychology examination goes wild after Morgan killed Dr. Alan Saphiro who taunted and provoked her during the interview, she try to escape but Lee was able to stop her. She ordered them to terminated Morgan considering her enhanced intelligence and enormous power that can’t contained perfectly because of her unpredictable emotion.

Well, perhaps that was would happened if a child has an adult forms. Their emotion that goes like a roller-coaster will make parents hassles. And how can you put some respect for them if they have the same size as yours, right?

The crew strained her with straps but the fact that they were so attached with Morgan makes them could not stand to kill her. Instead they stopped Lee who wants to do it herself by injecting her with drugs shoot and locked her up in Morgan’s room.

Morgan become crazy and killed the whole crew. I don’t know what the cause of her action or her motives, was it because she felt angry because of what Dr. Chang had said? Because the female Project Head rejecting Morgan’s thought to be her Mom…or was it because the words of Dr. Saphiro still attached in her mind…

The lack of continuity emerge from the scene where after Lee and Morgan met again, only this time on the opposite position where Lee was held inside the room and Morgan stands outside, and Morgan left the room after she shot Ted Brunner to death. She left there alone with Dr. Amy Mesner still inside the room where Ted had coming previously. But when Morgan went out from the lab building she’s holding Amy by the arm.     

While Morgan killed the entire people, unless Amy and Skip, Lee managed to escape by climbing the chimney and break the glass atop, which amazed me because she could done that with her heels. 

I watched American Ninja Warrior often and watched how they climb the Spider Wall that nearly the same obstacle but I have no idea if it could be done with the heels, considering competitors usually use flat shoe.

Lee confronting Morgan at the main house and both throw from the window upstairs. The way they fall must be hurting them a lot and disabled them to move. But Morgan wake up and took Dr. Amy to the car and run. Awesomely Lee stood up and chased them with his own car. The romp happened and situation gets chaotic to the final brawl in a place where Morgan wanted to be so much…

Who’s the winner? Well, I think you should watch yourself…but something I had to say that maybe it’s true…maybe the winner is always the one who don’t have heart. They, who’s too gentle might not a proper person to live in earth but in heaven instead…  

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