Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Nina Kulagina 
manipulating the watch
After you watched the movie or read my review on The Atticus Institute maybe you’re wonder, who the hell Nina Kulagina was that screened at the institute?

In the era of cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union, the rivalry and prestige of both as a super power was not only in technology or science but, believe it or not, also mastering uncommon ability like telekinesis, the activity of writing with a pen without hands, and other experiments that seek the power of mind over matter, in which it will be used as a means of controlling and arming themselves.

One of the affected subjects of the study named Nina Kulagina. The woman who was born in 1926, states that she aware of her ability on the first time when she realized that the furniture in her house was moving spontaneously when she got upset. She became famous when the film that was smuggled out of the country shows how Kulagina can move small objects in front of her on the table.

In the film Kulagina put her hands a few inches above the objects and in a moment they will be moving. Objects such as wooden matches, small boxes, cigarette, watches, glasses…all of them were giving reaction due to high concentrations. Some objects redundantly move even after she pulled her hand away. She also can separate the eggs in the water, the white from the yolk, so easy.

Even one of the most famous experiments raised in The Atticus Institute was currently conduct by Kulagina in a laboratory in Leningrad on March 10, 1970 when she reaches the cells, tissues, and organs such as the cessation of heartbeat of a frog. In the experiment Nina focusing to make the frog's heart beat faster, making it slow, then stop it altogether.

Kulagina phenomenon attracted the attention of scientists from the University of Tasmania named Jurgen Keil who makes unannounced visits to Kulagina’s home in 1974. 

It was a friendly and pleasant visit, recalls Jurgen Keil. In addition to their fine dining and intimate conversation, Kulagina also show her strength without any preparation before and what happened in that house was documented in the film.

Nina Kulagina and the floating egg
Kulagina amazing ability is then provoked by the Soviets that they could do anything, even kill someone from a distance because there’s no such thing like distance that can separate a target from Kulagina’s telekinetic ability. 

It was obvious that what was shown by Kulagina made the Soviet seems to enter into a big leap era of mastering a new weapon to put mental pressure for America. While Americans, on the other hand, trying to prove what Kulagina did was a hoax, as well as searching for talent who possessed what she had throughout the land of Uncle Sam. 

Meanwhile other names of the USSR then become 'followers' of Kulagina, Boris Ermolaev who’s able to make small objects float and Alla Vinogradova who’s able to make objects on the surface of a flat spin by itself.

Many are denied the power of Kulagina, accused her as an imposter and do a lot of tricks on her performance. But whether she’s for real or not, Kulagina succeed to reverse the pessimistic attitude of scientists of the Soviet Union at that time about Psychokinetic.

Towards the end of her life Kulagina seemed to lose her ability. Energy that she’d used to perform her power was a cause of her heart attack in late 70s, at the intersection of spinal pain, dizziness, blood sugar, and many other health problems. She withdrew from laboratories and research activities until her death in 1990.

Is Telekinesis mystical or something that can be learned?

Telekinesis term was given by scientists, discovered in 1890 by a Russian-German researcher named Alexander Asakof, derived from the two words “Tele” means remote and “Kinesis” means move. 

Telekinesis or moving objects from a distance also can be explained scientifically, can be studied, and trained as well. With practicing some complicated concentration, ordinary people were able to generate the force, ranging from moving small objects (Micro Telekinesis) to large objects (Macro Telekinesis).

Micro Telekinesis is used to move small objects or affect the movement of a calculator or a random number generator. While Macro Telekinesis practiced to manipulate large objects such as opening a window or heavy objects like chair, table, or even a car. 

Nina Kulagina was a prominent figure in the Macro Telekinesis. Beside Boris Ermolaev and Alla Vinogradova there are also several other names that have the power that almost the same as Kulagina had, they are:

1. Willy Brough

The Turlock, California, boy whose able to ignite a fire by looking at them. As a result, he had to accept the harsh reality being expelled by his family for allegedly possessed by evil spirits. When a farmer took care of him and send him to a new school, Willy Brough could only last a day in that place because his sight brings wildfire through five classrooms at once.

2. Benedetto Supino

He got the world attention in 1982 when he burned comic books that he read in the dentist's waiting room. Since that time several fires from her home furnishings occur. 

Supino always burned an object when he stared at it seriously. He felt ashamed and depressed in her ability. Scientists found nothing wrong with him. They couldn’t help him much until he met parapsychology names Demetrio Croce who finally taught him to control her powers.

3. Jennie Bramwell

The orphaned Jennie Bramwell seemed had lot of bad luck. Just a few weeks after the Dawson family, adoptive families in Ontario, take him home there have been many minor accidents such as fire engulfed the ceiling, walls, furniture, and even the family pet cat.

4. Ben Underwood

Losing a sight at the age of 3 years due to eye cancer, Ben Underwood trained his senses to replace the sight. Uniquely Ben didn’t hone it with hearing as other blind people did but with ultrasonic waves emitted from the clicking sound of tongue. 

Thanks to this capability, Ben becomes good in rollerblading, skateboarding, basketball, karate, and even video games. His ability also inspired Marvel to create a character of Daredevil.

5. Vicky Gilmour

The 19-year-old girl was in the ladies of discotheque closet in Darlington, Durham Country, England when suddenly she was on fire. People trying to help before she got burned to death and it required a lot of skin grafts to restore Vicky. 

Many thought she was burned by cigarette ember that burns a thin dress that she wears. With that belief, a consumer protection organization tried to light on the dress with a cigarette but produced only a thin smoke.

6. Michael Crichton

This Jurassic Park author's best-selling novel could bend spoons with his mind once. It was when he’s visiting a bend spoons party, which was described in his book, Travels, that published in 1988.

Crichton admitted he did not know how could that happened but it was not something contrived for children at the party can do so and they seemed surprised. Children won’t lie, would they? However, because of its strength occurs spontaneously in that party, he couldn’t do it again on another occasion.

7. Deke

A retired workers toll roads in China who’s able to manipulate his body like a magnet, he could attract metal objects to stick to his body, even to pull a car. He was able to make his body as an electrical conductor voltage of 220 volts that can be electrically installed without experiencing side effects. 

He ever hang six lamps that lit at the same time, even setting the bright lights according to his decision as what Bolt characters that appear in X-Men Origins: Wolverine could do.

8. John Chang

A guy with Indonesian-Chinese bloodlines who’s got very famous in the world because of his ability of telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and telepathy that he’d study for about 18 years. What he’s capable of was recorded by a Greek writer, who also the disciple of Chang, named Danaos who published a 208 pages book titled, The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal.

The book highlighted remarkable even in many internet forums, in 1988 Chang has been invited to perform at one of the American TV in a documentary program titled Ring of Fire where they taped Chang doing the paper burn with his bare hand. 

Unfortunately, the book discusses a lot about telekinesis except Chang’s identity so there are short people who come to Chinatown in Jakarta to seek for him managed to do that in person. Even today nobody knows whether Chang still alive or dead already.

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