Tuesday, August 30, 2016


The success of Bram Stoker's Dracula, a novel that written by Irish writer named Bram Stoker in 1897, and later adapted to film by Tod Bowning in 1931 made the figure of vampire becomes famous throughout the world, especially in horror and dark fantasy films. Many writers were inspired by the work of Stoker and must thank him. Without the figure of Dracula, Stephanie Meyer will probably never create Twilight serial or Marv Wolfwan with his Blade.

For common Dracula or vampire is blood-sucking creature that exist only in horror movies, novels or fiction, but from a scientific research since 1972 there are proves this creature really exists.

I find this facts when I’m looking some supporting web to wrote on The Atticus Institute, which saying the place was for real, and to start my search I seek for a place that makes weird research for paranormal activities and eventually led me to the web of a scientist, who turn out to be the head of a research institute investigate an odd assortment of things done in the Atticuss Institute...

Based on research psychiatrist named Dr. Stephen Kaplan, who was Heads of Research Institute of Dracula (Vampire Research Center of America) in New York, USA there are recorded the hypothesis that the royal family has ever seen anywhere in the world, among the offspring of the great potential of blood sucking.

This was correlated with their belief in paganism and ancient religion which belief that drinking blood can make man keep young. There’s always been an outpouring of blood from the Aztec and Maya belief in the past era even to the modern religion. This belief is maintained by the nobles and members of the royal family in order to always look fresh in public.

To prove his theory, Dr. Kaplan conducted research by conducting a survey in the form of questionnaires. When deploying a questionnaire to respondent Dr. Kaplan was assisted by paranormal / psychic who could see for certain the potentiality of interviewees as a vampire. Moreover Dr. Kaplan also went bevy associated with devil worship or performing rituals involving fresh blood as offerings.

Dr. Stephen Kaplan
The research found that North America is the most appropriate inhabited by blood-sucking creatures than anywhere else in the world. According to Dr. Kaplan there are about 650 of vampires living in the USA while other places are UK, Ireland, South America, Canada, and South Africa.

Amazingly Dr. Kaplan found a vampire girl who successfully interviewed on television in 1979. The girl’s cloth was commonly a dress that worn by women in 16-17 centuries, and when she’s interviewed her face still looks like 20 years old. 

From the interviews is known that blood is a vital necessity for Vampire, if the frequency of drinking blood reduced they may not die instantly but will look old.

The girl doesn’t like the depiction of vampires in modern films, she expressed the films gave a misleading picture of the actual vampire world. She explains that vampires can’t take blood with violence, especially make their victim died. But from the interview, the story of Count Dracula simply a true story…

Vampire start from Romania and began to spread to Europe in the 16th century. A Romanian King in 15th century, Prince Vlad Tepes III, otherwise known as Vlad Dracul, or Vlad the Awl, had experience to win hundreds of wars, so no one doubted his ability to battle, he’s also known very wild because he often skinning and impale enemies that become prisoner.

His passion to impale is what makes a nickname for him as The Impaler (The Awl). Impale is a torture by pricking the anus using wooden sticks that as big as an adult’s arm then sticking it into the ground so the wood penetrating the abdomen, chest, and even up to the neck.

Vlad’s success merely believe comes from his ritual such as drinking and bathing the blood of his prisoners that murdered by Vlad’s army.

His awful image continued until he finally defeated by Sultan Mehmed II, the head of Vlad was cut and presented to the Ottoman as a tribute to the Turk’s victims of atrocities during the war against Vlad.

But Vlad's success inspired many European leaders to follow his lead so in the end of the century of 15th to 17th century, many were follow his custom like bathing and drinking human blood, which creating a new human species that drinks blood. The descendants of Vlad III also still living on earth and continue drinking blood.

In his book Dr. Stephen Kaplan describes a disease that causes a person to have characteristics such as Vampire. It’s likely that the disease plagued Vlad III so he had a weird habit of drinking blood.

Phorphyria is the name of the disease, the disease-gene disorders where sufferers lack the enzyme glycine which functioning to formed heme or hemoglobin that had duty to transports oxygen in the blood. Lack of heme would make oxygen couldn’t transported perfectly through the body so it turns pale blue, which is why vampire had blue blood.

Phorphyria patient
Phorphyria Patients also can’t be exposed to direct sunlight because ultraviolet will burn their skin. Besides, because the quality of poor blood circulation due to the lack of oxygen makes the sufferer must donate or blood transfusions regularly. In fact they have to drink the blood of it directly so that the blood could enter directly into the digestive system and elaborated into the bloodstream.

The question why vampires hate garlic is also had an answered, because garlic is a fat emulsifier. Good quality of the blood is determined by the level of fat in the blood so as substances that are emulsion, garlic can cause reduced blood lipid levels. This can be seen in patients with cholesterol and heart disease due to hypertension that required regularly ate raw onions so that the fat content is significantly reduced.

During his research, Dr. Stephen Kaplan also found four large groups of vampires, namely:

  1. Vampire Wanabee
The group is actually just a bunch of ordinary man who obsessed by vampire and felt themselves as such by wearing gothic clothes and makeup. They affected by the romance of the Vampire’s figure and pretend to drink blood during special ceremonies that attended by masses but it’s not their lifestyle.

  1. Vampire Yuppie
It is the people who trade sexual pleasure and replace it with blood. They have a need to drink real blood, it has acquired the documentation that they drink the blood is drained from a carton of meat in the supermarket. Most have a compulsion, and there was a sort of guilt and shame at what they do.

  1. Vampire Conservative
This group consists of a small number of people who have a physical need to consume the blood in addition to their regular diet. He calls these people fashioned or conservative because their clothes do not attract attention and look flat.

They hide the fact that they drink blood but feel irritable, depressed, weak or aggressive if they do not get enough blood in their diet. It is a sign of porphyria.

  1. Blood Killer
This last group is those who act on impulse their thirst and looking for someone to kill and drain their blood. Dr. Kaplan has worked with the Police in the USA and many other countries to investigate the mysterious murder involving excessive blood loss.

This is a dangerous job because on several occasions Dr. Kaplan had nearly killed during the investigation. As a result, he changed his method by means of interviews in which he meets people suspected of being a vampire just to come face to face.

From this he then made a list of people who actually belonged to the Blood Killer group and finally Van Helsing was a nickname that given to him.

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