Sunday, December 25, 2016


Aku menatap kaos kaki merah yang terpasang di dinding kamar. Kaos kaki berbentuk lucu yang merupakan hiasan yang biasa dipakai oleh mereka yang merayakan natal. Seumur hidup aku tidak merayakan apa yang dinamakan natal, itu karena orangtuaku mengenalkanku pada keyakinan akan kebajikan, karma, dan reinkarnasi…

Bahwa apa yang kulakukan di dunia saat ini nantinya akan mendapat balasan kehidupan setimpal di kehidupan yang akan datang…karena itulah mami marah besar saat aku membawa kaos kaki itu, mungkin wanita itu mengira aku akan berpindah keyakinan…tapi bukan itu yang ada di pikiranku…

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Ah, there’s a certain sentimental every time I passed this place, which used to be known as Sabang by teen of my generation, where rebellion to an-old-way-of-thought shown by stubbornness and way of life of showing off with luxurious car or motorcycle racing. 

But now it all buried deep behind row of shops and street vendors as commercial taking place with such cruelness, especially after young people lost their desire to hang out at an open space and moved away to those who had roof above their head like mall.

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Disutradarai oleh: Miguel Angel Vivas
Dibintangi oleh: Matthew Fox, Jeffrey Donovan, Quinn McColgan
Produksi: Ombra Film

Setelah melihat penampilan apik Jacob Tremblay sebagai Cody dalam Before I Wake, gue suka melihat penampilan Quinn McColgan yang bermain sebagai Lu di film ini. Dia harus berurusan dengan situasi di mana tidak ada anak yang bisa menanggung beban seperti yang dia hadapi, dimana dia tumbuh tanpa kehadiran anak-anaknya seusianya, berurusan dengan ayah yang lebih suka hidup menyendiri dan membenci tetangganya dengan alasan yang tidak dia mengerti, dan aturan-aturan ketat sang ayah yang seringkali bikin gue kalau masih remaja mungkin akan memberontak padanya.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Millipede on
my garage
We’ve seen beautiful scenery in Before I Wake when dozens of butterflies fluttering in the house of Jessie and Mike, and the butterflies becomes catastrophic when they transformed into a figure of Canker Man who eat people alive when he gets inside the house where Cody was. The scene reminds me of tiny animals that often went inside my house…what else if it’s not millipedes.

I don’t know how those appear on porch, garage, or even on kitchen at house rear and there were many that wandering around my place like a backpacker travelling Bali Island every day.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Directed by: Miguel Angel Vivas
Starring by: Matthew Fox, Jeffrey Donovan, Quinn McColgan
Production: Ombra Film  

After the perfect performance of Jacob Tremblay playing the role as Cody in Before I Wake, I love how Quinn McColgan plays as Lu on this film. She had to deal with the situation where no child can bare, she grows on a situation where child on her age no longer existed and had to deal with daddy who lived solitude, hate the neighbor with reason she can’t understand, and has several strict rules to obey.