Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Directed by: Gobind Punjabi
Sutradara : George Hutabarat
Starring by: Mongol, Gian Subianto, Khadijah Syalimar, Vitalia Shesya, Nadia Zuhra, Cariesta Maya, Albern

Alasan saya menonton film ini karena Mongol merupakan Comic favorit saya sewaktu dia masih di SUCI (Stand Up Comedy Indonesia) dan film ini merupakan film horror pertama buat dia. Ingin tahu bagaimana perannya dari comedian ke sebuah film horror yang nampaknya merupakan film horror serius, bila dilihat dari penampilan covernya.

Dan memang film ini film horror serius sementara kehadiran Mongol disitu sekedar untuk memperiang suasana, malah sebenarnya menurut saya banyak dipaksakan sehingga kehadiran Mongol sebagai makluk transgender yang berprofesi sebagai perias make-up disitu sayangnya tidak banyak menolong sebagai bagian dari film horror.

Berkisah tentang sepasang kekasih, Evan dan Gesti, yang pergi ke suatu pulau untuk melakukan foto pre-wedding bersama sahabat mereka Roman (fotografer), Remi (penata rias), Vidi (sepupu Gesti), dan Tilda (sahabat mereka semua). Keberangkatan ke pulau itu menjadi momen sendiri untuk menampilkan pose-pose seksi tiga artis bertubuh bagus itu di atas yacht namun bukan itu yang saya tunggu…

Kemunculan hantu perempuan pembawa clurit banyak diumbar di seperempat bagian awal, mulai dari mimpi Evan, mimpi Vidi, lalu ketika Evan dan Gesti mengambil foto di berbagai lokasi yang ternyata diikuti dengan kemunculan hantu wanita itu di setiap pose. Sesuatu yang menurut saya diluar pakem karena hantu di film ini keluar siang hari. Tapi rasanya terlalu banyak sex talk di film ini. Saya bukan orang yang menghindari sex talk dalam cerita tapi rasanya saya mendengar terlalu banyak dan rasanya hampir membuat perut saya melilit karena bertanya-tanya apakah tidak ada topik lain yang bisa dibahas anak-anak muda keren ini selain sex? It sucks and boring

Beberapa aktivitas juga tidak pas, misalnya seperti adegan memisahkan diri dalam kelompok untuk mencari teman yang hilang. Itu terjadi dua kali, pertama saat terpisah dengan Roman di sebuah taman mereka mengatakan akan membagi dua kelompok untuk mencari Roman, Vidi dan Evan di satu kelompok sementara Remi, Tilda, dan Gesti di kelompok lain. Vidi dan Evan mencari tapi kelompok yang lain malah duduk-duduk di taman dan bergosip soal Evan dan Vidi, sekedar menjelaskan ke penonton bahwa Evan dan Vidi pernah punya hubungan. Yang kedua, di malam hari saat mencari Roman yang kedua kali karena dia belum kembali ke bungalow. Kali ini yang mencari Evan dan Tilda, sementara Vidi, Remi, dan Gesti di kelompok lain…yang lagi-lagi hanya kelompok Evan dan Tilda yang mencari tahu namun kelompok yang lain malah tinggal di bungalow, tidak ikut mencari, dan hanya bergosip soal Evan dan Tilda bahwa keduanya suka berhubungan seks. What a waste…

Aktivitas yang tidak pas lainnya bisa dilihat saat Vidi dan Remi istirahat di speedboat setelah lari-lari ketakutan meninggalkan Tilda, bermaksud pergi dari pulau dan ternyata malah bertemu dengan sosok hantu wanita berclurit. Mereka yang seharusnya ketakutan setelah kabur dari tempat itu kemudian di adegan berikutnya malah memunculkan adegan berenang di pantai dan keduanya nampak tertawa-tawa senang. Sungguh jeda yang sangat panjang menurut saya…atau justru mereka bisa mengubah ketakutan dengan hebatnya dalam hitungan detik?

Beberapa kebocoran di gambar juga terlihat. Terlihat ada orang lewat ketika adegan Roman menguntit Jessica yang akan mandi di laut padahal digambarkan dalam cerita bahwa mereka hanya sendirian di pulau tersebut. Lalu saat adegan dimana Gesti masuk ke kamar, menangis karena cemburu melihat Tilda dan Evan (yang baru pulang setelah melakukan pencarian) ternyata bergandengan tangan. Saat adegan itu kamera melakukan panning pada Gesti, ingin menggambarkan bahwa ada hantu masuk ke dalam kamar itu dan ternyata memang dugaan saya tepat karena detik berikutnya Gesti berteriak-teriak ketakutan, namun anehnya saya melihat bayangan si cameraman muncul di dinding….   

Kalimat yang tidak pas juga muncul, masih berlanjut di adegan saat Gesti yang ketakutan keluar dari kamar dan menghambur ke pelukan Evan. Bukannya histeris pada hantu, Gesti malah memberi kalimat yang menurut saya absurd, “Kamu nggak ngapa-ngapain kan sama Tilda?” Man, dia baru ketakutan melihat hantu dan yang terlintas di pikirannya apakah calon suaminya ngapa-ngapain sama sahabatnya? Kalimat yang parah ini membuat saya maklum saja mendengar beberapa pemainnya salah menyebut nama, dua kali nama Roman salah sebut menjadi Ramon….pertama kali oleh Albern, pemerannya sendiri saat dia menantang si hantu di pantai, yang kedua oleh Evan di adegan akhir saat meninggalkan pulau dengan speed boat.

Saya mengacungkan jempol pada pembuat efek yang bisa membuat jari Evan dan Gesti benar-benar ‘hilang’ setelah di potong Jessica. Evan di jari kelingking dan jari manis tangan kanan, sementara Gesti ibu jari tangan kiri. Tapi sayangnya kontinity yang bagus itu sedikit ternoda oleh telinga Evan yang masih utuh padahal Jessica jelas-jelas memotongnya sebelum melakukan adegan potong jari sementara darah sudah membanjiri kerah leher Evan di bagian sebelah kanan.

Dan pada akhirnya, rasanya saya sudah terlalu banyak mengkritik film ini, saya bingung kenapa tokoh Jessica harus dimunculkan dalam cerita? Memang tujuan karakter ini mungkin membalaskan dendam kakaknya yang tewas dibunuh saat pre-wedding di pulau dan menjadi hantu gentayangan supaya tiap calon pengantin yang mengambil foto pre-wedding di tempat tersebut mengalami nasib naas yang sama, tapi kenapa tidak menyerahkannya kepada si hantu itu sendiri? Kenapa harus ada Jessica yang membunuhi Evan cs satu persatu?

Tadinya saya berpikir hantu itu muncul hanya sebagai penampakan saja sementara tokoh antagonis yang berperan sebagai pembunuh brutal adalah Jessica, tapi ternyata apa yang saya pikirkan tidak sejalan dengan ceritanya karena ternyata hantu itu membunuh juga…dia membunuh Vidi saat berenang di kolam renang bersama Remi…tapi mirisnya hanya satu korban saja…sementara yang lainnya dibereskan oleh Jessica sehingga kesan brutal dari si hantu berkurang…hanya mampu membunuh satu korban saja…

Pada akhirnya, menonton film ini, bukan cerita seru, efek mencengangkan, atau adegan menyeramkan yang saya dapatkan, memang ada pesan moral yang bagus dimana kalau kita menikah sebaiknya harus jujur pada pasangan sebab pernikahan merupakan sesuatu yang sakral, bila dimulai dengan kebohongan maka akan berakhir tidak baik. Namun sebagai film horor, film ini lebih banyak menawarkan pemandangan indah, baik pemandangan pantainya juga gadis-gadis bertubuh sintalnya…jadi bila ingin mencuci mata saat nonton horror silakan memilih Bidadari Pulau Hantu.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Blumhouse Production
Directed by: Stiles White
Starring by: Olivia Cooke, Ana Coto, Douglas Smith, Darren Kagasoff

Well, I watched this film at Malang when I had my Book Talk Show, after having the event we goes to the cinema; me, my writer-friend Novan, and my cousins Mia and Tata. Too bad our friend Nadya decided to go back to Jember so she can’t come with us…we don’t understand why she prefers Jember than us…but it’s your lost girl hehehe..

A little bit confuse between Interstellar or this film, but finally we pick this one because the showing time was match for our next schedule to go to Batu, and I shout to myself, Yeeeeeaaahhh, I could make preview for this film at no cost, finally…hehehe…other reason why I want to see this film, tough it only get mediocre rating, it’s because I also make horror comic with the same title this year…    

It opens with two little girl, Laine and Debbie, playing the board. Debbie give three rules for playing it safely, “Always remember the three rules: Don’t play the board on the grave, Don’t play it alone, and always say good bye…”. The frame dissolved to present time when Debbie grown up as teenagers and picked up by Debbie to come to school event. Debbie acting weirdly and make Laine wonders. The opening scene ends with Debbie committing suicide by hanging herself in the house.

Debbie’s death shocking her friends, especially Laine, and curiosity drives them to investigate her death. It leads Laine to invite other to make contact to Ouija board and asked how’s she could died. The contact made them linked to spirit with initial D.Z and Mother that keep following with terror everywhere they go with a message, “Hii Friend…”

I have to raise my thumb because this film give the shock that make audience yell or terrified until nearly half periods of it without performing the ghost appearance at all. The first look of the ghost happened when Laine see through the glass of oujia tools. A ghost with stitched at her mouth and angry old woman that thrown up everything. From the play that they’re doing at Debbie’s house, spirit that haunts possessed and killed them one by one.

To solve the problem, Laine try to find out who D.Z, the girl that named Dorris Zander, is which bring her to mental institution to meet Doris cousin, Paulina Zander. She said that the spirit become stronger if they not release the stitched on Dorris mouth, so they have to open it. It turns out that Paulina and Dorris was the true evil and Mother just try to stop them, stitching Dorris mouth to hold evil comes out from her.

The coolest thing from the open word of little Debbie is it turns out that she’s playing the Ouija on the grave, which is the house that become the grave of Dorris Zander, and playing it alone, perhaps the adult concept that avoiding superstitious childhood that believe Ouija board is a real supranatural board. So, she broke two of the rules that she said herself…

How’s the end? I think it’s better if you watched it on your own, tough I realized some of you who like horror movie probably could guess the ends easily, but I do like the final scene when Laine putting a dental floss to her mouth that make all audience sight, “YYYYAAAAAHHHHH….” Because it remind them at the scene when Isabella get killed. The girl was having her mouth stitched by dental floss also.

It’s good to see Olivia Cook’s act, after she’s having a good one on The Quiet Ones as Jane Harper. My friend, Novan, said Olivia's face was like Indonesian horror actress that often get main character, Julie Estelle and how come he’s hoping Pulina Zander not died because she’s the prettiest one?  

Likewise, I saw some clumsiness on this film, at the opening scene when Debbie was about to get suicide, she drags string of light from her bedroom and how come the light still on after she pulled it and used by her as a hanging tool. The string of light also remains on its original location at every next scene when Laine entering Debbie’s room couple of time. And just take a look after Debbie closed the back door. She jumped out to hear the sound of stove that turning on by itself. The show it’s from above with a kettle next to it, but when the girl turned off the stove, the kettle was on top of the ring.

My cousin, Mia, was a doctor gives a comment about the needle that was used by Dorris spirit to stitch Sarah’s mouth is way to big than normal surgery needle. The shape is just like that, fishing angle similar-like, only smaller. And that leads me to other thought, it's impossible for Laine to open the stitched because Dorris had died many years ago. Human lip was part of the skin that surely rotten and decompose, therefore the thread must be released itself according to time….  

Onward, though we’re having good times and laughing this film together, the rules to playing safe has to be considered, “Always remember the three rules: Don’t play the board on the grave, don’t play it alone, and always say good bye…” So I say it now unto you….Good Bye….

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Legendary Picture
Directed by: Gary Shore
Starring by: Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon, Charles Dance

“What do you think if we go out and see the Dracula?"
She smiles and nodded and we go out tonight to see the movie. It’s a date….only two of us…father-daughter date. It’s not common for us to go along just both, usually there are four of us but this moment was special and the moment of our date would be last in my memories.

It’s not pure horror movie, I know, but it’s good for her because I’ve promise not to take her to watch horror movie till she’s twenty years old…ddooogghhh…what an old fashion father…and you may asked, how come you recommended other people to watch horror while your daughter couldn’t. Well, I said it’s my part being a good and descent father but I know my heart was trembling and pounding to ask her out to watch good movies like Conjuring or Insidious…but kids always astonished you, right? And she also done it when she say, I already watched Final Destination, and you know daddy, my friend that can’t stand to watched asked me how the characters got killed.

My ooo my…ok, stop for the moment and I shall write my opinion for Dracula Untold…

As we know the first story of Dracula was spread  by Bram Stoker. And I admire unfinished love tale behind the story between Count Vlad and his wife, which from that he chase Mina who’s engaged with Jonathan Harker, his notary’s fiancĂ©.

Dracula Untold takes same character which is Count Vlad and same location on Transylvania. The kingdom of Translyvania lies between Turkey and Europe so when the Turkish want to spread their empire to the land of Europe they have to pass Vlad’s country. Actually, Vlad is close friend to Mehmet, the Sultan of Turkish, but ambition made Mehmet put away their relationship and pushed Count Vlad to provide him 1.000 boys of Transylvania to be Mehmed’s troops, includes Vlad’s son.

Vlad against Mehmet’s command and murder Mehmet’s man in brutal fight, so he realized that he need more power to battle the Turkish that has large number of troops. During his searched he finds Vampire, the curse human that being manipulated and deceives by Evil which changes him into horrible looks but has tremendous power for the Vampire could defeat one battalion of Turkish soldier alone. The deal with vampire is made and Vlad gets the power he seeks. He crushed thousand men that send by Mehmet to destroy Vlad’s castle and it was then I see visualization of “The Strength of a Thousand Men” from the song I’ve always play when I writes.

The difference from Stoker, Vlad in this film get his power from other Vampire while Stoker clearly said that Count Vlad was the first Vampire on earth when he’s blasphemy God for losing his wife that make suicide because she thought Vlad was killed on battle. So there’s another vampire before him…hmmm…I think it’s ok…so be it…

The scene increase by tension when Transylvanian were mobilize to safer place and Vlad had to battles the Turkish that comes in bigger amount of troops, this time with Mehmet with them. The visualization was awesome. I’d like the scene when Vlad control thousand of bats and make them to fight Turkish in such demonic ways. Though Mehmet told to close the eye of his troops but bat attacks was surely something that couldn’t handle normally. But the best scene for me is when Vlad jump down to chase Mirena that fall from high tower. And dramatically he failed to save his queen though he got inhuman power that makes him capable to do anything most man can’t do.

Full with rage, Vlad raising Vampire troops from Transylvania’s people who were dying and gave them blood of he’s to drink. I’m not quite happy to find how easily Vlad control the sky and nature in order to hold the sun from rising just to make his troops invaded the Turkish. One hundred thousand Turkish troops against ten hungry Vampires, you’d sure know who wins.

And the last scene, again, make me unhappy to find that Transylvanian troops of Vampires disobey Vlad. The Count can’t control his own people from eagerness to dessert his son. Contrary from Stoker, Count Vlad has total dominion over his follower and found out how three vampirellas on Dracula Castle had not killed Jonathan Harker because the Count said them so and it happened when Count Dracula was not around because he’s on his journey to England to find Mina Harker.

Overall I think this film was OK. It’s good to watched if you want to know more about heroic side of a Vampire before he turns into pure evil, and Hollywood was a master to make something grouch turns nice…the evolution of a Vampire from Bram Stoker Dracula to Twilight and now to Dracula Untold has prove it. Cheeks surely couldn’t resist the handsomeness of Luke Evans, are they? But I’d found out single mistake of continuity on the scene when Mehmet falls to the ground after Vlad defeated him and bites him, there’s no blood or puncture wounds on his throat, just take a good look at it…       

Saturday, October 18, 2014


New Line Cinema
Directed by: John R. Leonetti
Starring by: Ward Horton, Annabelle Walis, Alfre Woodard

I’m doing different ways for this movie because the continuity of Conjuring must be treated in differently, and this time I hold my opinion on my blog till almost everyone in Jakarta watched it then upload it later on the third weeks from premiere. How did I know everyone in town had watched? Well, I dont ! I'm just patronizing but anyway, Annabelle attracts many people to go to the cinema in tremendous way, even for people who hates horror…perhaps it’s the real story behind the doll. Nevertheless many of them criticized this movie as dull, boring one, and it lacks of good effect for it depends on shocking scene or loud noise. Well it’s normal because audience expected something as good as Conjuring, so they make comparison of both unfairly.

Funny to found out that the main star of this movie was also has a name of Annabelle…Annabelle Walis as Mia. The film started with early scene which taken from Conjuring when three friends are being haunted by living doll Annabelle. But I lost the scene where the doll gives the three that word of ‘Miss Me’ thing. From there it goes backward a year later in 1967 when couple of John and Mia encounter terror on their neighborhood, Higgins family was slay and Annabelle, the Higgin’s daughter, and her boyfriend that becomes follower of an occult sect attacks Mia inside her house. Annabelle died by police shoot and her blood cursing one of Mia’s dolls which would be possessed by Devil.

The terror in Mia’s house didn’t stop, it almost kill her with burning house or appearance on basement storage and Mia was aware that it caused by the doll which followed her family anywhere. The terror keeps playing even until the baby’s come. What the ghost of Annabelle had done by look over the baby, playing with the baby, throwing the baby with books from the shelf lead us to think that the baby is being hunted by Annabelle ghost…to be honest I also think that Annabelle make baby Leah as object for she wanted to trade place with human as Chucky did…but I totally wrong for the soul taken desire…

John and Mia asked help from Father Perez to deal with the possessed doll, it was unusual for horror movie for couples easily to believe that their partner got troubles with supernatural thing, usually they think their partner went nuts so they took a shrink to face the problem. Instead, the devout Christian John believe his wife and go to Father Perez which also mention a little about Ed and Loraine Warren as couples who helps church to deal with demons, from there he was attacked by the demon. Father Perez realized that the demons not targeting baby Leah because the soul that sought by the occult sect should be submitted voluntary so he warned John about Mia. Did John succeed to save his wife? I think you should go out to cinema to check it for yourself…

But still there’s some scene that begs question for me, like when Evelyn jumps from the window where John and Mia has live it turns out that it was on top floor meanwhile on the scene where they move to that apartment Mia often heard a noise of people who lived among them. Is it some mistake? Or is it something to scares audience by occupants of the upper floor that are not exist. Pitty, the trick isn’t works because I know most people not thinking about non existence occupants. The scene which might be seeded as a top scene where little Annabelle ghost turns to adult ghost after bumping the door is also not so special for me…if I have to choose I’d rather like lift scene when she couldn’t get away from basement floor even though she had pushed the knob three times.

Still there’s wrong continuity where Mia was handles by the creature on basement after she pulled the blanket inside trolley. It obvious that it was on the back of her hand but how comes the symbol scar marked on front side of her hand?

There’s missed continuity at the scene when the priest take photo of Mia and baby Leah, he hold camera in horizontal but at the last scene where he give Mia the result of photograph he’s been taking earlier it shapes vertically. And how about the boy and the girl that Mia meets on stair? John asked to look after for them because they’re doing creepy picture but they’re not follow it up and we don’t know whether both kids are real kids or just another appearance to scares Mia. The scene was just become some patch of the next scene which didn’t have any correlated at all.

Last scene that bothers me is when John brings Mia food to home. She chooses pickles and French mustard which sealed. She opens the pickle jar but not doing the same thing with the mustard but the next thing you know she picked one pickles and dipping it to the mustard, that supposed to be closed.

Well, though this film has many disturbing scene and rather slow in pace but I think it’s ok to be watched if you want to see how demon experience describes as real as possible. There will not always be floating chair or stabbing knife but you will experience whispering voice or weird appearance of thing that goes for itself. 

So, if you interested to know more it just click @ The real story of Annabelle the doll

Which make me think there would be a sequel for Annabelle because I, and you probably, want to know what happened to the nurse who got the doll as present from her grandmother before it end up in Warren’s drawer, don’t you think so? 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Directed by: KK. Dheraj
Sutradara :   Eka Katili
Starring by: Metta Permadi, Rahmat Panca, Ki Joko Bodo, Fauzi Imam

Sebagai catatan, sebenarnya saya enggan sekali menuliskan review tentang film ini ke blog saya karena berbagai alasan yang rasanya bisa bikin kuping merah, tapi setelah pertemuan saya dengan Evi Sri Rezeki dan Bang Aswi tentang penulisan blog, saya mendapat masukan untuk memasukkan setiap tulisan dari film-film horror yang saya tonton sebagaimana adanya….

So, untuk itu saya akan coba masukkan film ini ke dalam blog Freaknco dan karena tulisan ini saya buat untuk Evi, yang secara kebetulan juga kembarannya pernah minta saya menulis review tentang BELENGGU ke dalam bahasa Indonesia maka saya akan melakukan yang sama untuk film Taman Langsat Mayestik…

Ketertarikan buat menonton film ini bermula dari twitter, dimana tag film ini sempat jadi trending topic beberapa kali sehingga ingin juga menonton film ini. Lagipula tagline bahwa film ini didasarkan pada legenda Taman Langsat yang angker sungguh menggoda keingintahuan pecinta film seram…

Cerita dari film ini sebenarnya sederhana saja, ada produser dan sutradara sebuah PH yang ingin membuat film horror. Mereka mencari pemeran yang tepat dan karena Talent Coordinator, Genta, tidak bisa menemukan aktris yang pas kemudian keduanya marah-marah. Keduanya akhirnya mencari pemeran utamanya sendiri dan menemukan Shinta, sebenarnya bukan mereka yang menemukannya sendiri juga karena Shinta datang ke kantor mereka pada saat yang tepat. Meskipun bintang utama sudah ditemukan mereka tetap harus mencari artis-artis pendukung sehingga Genta mengusulkan membuat casting di tempat angker supaya talent yang diundang bisa merasakan atmosfir horror.

Genta kemudian mendapatkan referensi Taman Langsat sebagai tempat angkernya dan bersama Yoga melakukan survey. Selama survey, sang produser melakukan tindakan brutal yang nyaris memperkosa Shinta tapi kemudian justru menewaskan Shinta yang keguguran dan kehabisan darah. Genta dan Yoga bertemu dengan penjaga taman bernama Ki Langsat, dari pria inilah Genta mendapat informasi mengenai asal muasal kenapa ada hantu di taman tersebut.

Daniel dan Ozzie akhirnya datang ke Taman Langsat untuk melakukan proses casting dan menemukan semua Talent sudah hadir disitu sementara Genta dan Yoga tidak nampak batang hidungnya. Apakah mereka berhasil mencari artis pengganti Shinta dan juga artis-artis untuk peran yang lain. Saya menjaga spoiler sehingga saya menyarankan anda menonton film ini sendiri dan berikan penilaian menurut anda sendiri, namun sebelum itu ijinkan saya memberikan masukan atas film ini dimana :

Sangat tidak masuk akal bila tiba-tiba terjadi gangguan atau penampakan di kantor PH hanya karena Genta dan OB membicarakan soal Taman Langsat yang angker. Mungkin kita tahu membicarakan tempat angker akan membuat bulu kuduk merinding, tapi sampai terjadi terror secara fisk? C’mon…get real….

Shinta yang keguguran hanya karena didorong dari mobil dan begitu banyak darah keluar seolah Shinta sudah mengandung lebih dari tiga bulan. Man, don’t you know that janin itu punya kekuatan yang luar biasa dari benturan? Memang ada kemungkinan ketuban pecah tapi saya pernah melihat seorang wanita hamil yang tanpa sengaja terpeleset jatuh di tangga tapi janin di perutnya masih aman, so maafkan kalau saya tidak percaya dorongan dari mobil bisa mengakibatkan keguguran macam itu…dan mengenai suaminya yang cacat yang ikut bunuh diri di tengah hujan dengan menghujamkan batu ke mata gara-gara melihat istrinya meninggal…c’mon man…

Legendanya mengatakan yang dikubur di bawah pohon Langsat itu bayi-bayi korban aborsi dan arwah mereka berpindah ke burung-burung. Itu menurut saya sesuatu yang keren, tapi kenapa tahu-tahu hantu yang muncul di taman itu ada genderuwo, kuntilanak, bahkan pocong masuk disitu? Apakah sosok tuyul kurang seram sehingga harus ditambahkan ikon-ikon dari makluk semacam itu supaya makin menambah seram filmnya?

Yoga, Shinta, dan suami Shinta tewas di depan rumah Shinta, tapi kenapa tahu-tahu ketiganya bisa muncul di Taman Langsat dan bergabung dengan ‘talent-talent casting’ yang lain? Apa hanya karena mereka terlibat dalam proyek pembuatan film di Taman Langsat yang angker dan tahu-tahu arwah mereka bisa ditarik ke tempat itu? Saya tidak tahu menurut anda, tapi menurut saya hantu tidak bisa berpindah tempat dengan seenaknya, apalagi hantu penasaran…pun kalau teori saya itu salah maka saya akan mengajukan pertanyaan kedua, kenapa suami Shinta juga hadir ke Taman Langsat? Kan dia tidak terlibat apapun dalam proyek film itu...pria itu hanya kebetulan menjadi suami dari calon bintang utama film yang diproduksi Daniel….hanya suami yang tak tahu apa-apa…

Begitu geregetannya saya pada film ini sehingga setelah menontonnya saya memutuskan berkunjung ke taman tersebut. Taman itu memiliki luas 700m2 dan berada di belakang bekas pasar burung barito. Saya tidak tahu soal binatang yang dijual disitu tapi yang saya tahu ada soto kambing yang enak sehingga menyempatkan diri buat makan dulu disitu baru kemudian mencoba survey. Taman itu tidak terbuka untuk umum, gerbangnya digembok dan untuk masuk kesana menurut penjaganya harus dengan perjanjian lebih dahulu.

Apakah saya sebegitu saktinya hendak menantang penunggu-penunggu disitu?

Well, saya tidak kesana hanya buat melihat apa benar disitu ada penampakan genderuwo, pocong, atau kuntilanak di atas pohon beringin…yang memang ada di tengah-tengah taman itu…karena rasanya itu bukan sesuatu yang penting tapi itu merupakan bentuk pelampiasan frustrasi karena gagal merasakan keangkeran dari filmnya sehingga ingin melihat sendiri kemisteriusan taman itu secara langsung…

So, sekian dulu komentar saya tentang film ini karena saya masih harus melanjutkan tulisan tentang film lain yang lagi heboh seperti Annabelle…

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Revolver picture Company
Directed by: Mac Carter
Starring by: Jackie Weaver, Brian Wimmer, Ione Skye, Harrison Gilbertson, Liana Liberato

I mixed up on the first sight when the beginning of the scene on this film showing me how Franklin Morello get connected with his dead family with some supernatural radio. But it turns out to be a house that’s been haunted like Amityville Horror, which I thought about a haunted radio like I’d seen on Possession with a Dybbuk box. 

The idea about supernatural radio is something fresh but the tense decrease on the next round. The abandon house finally got new owner, Asher family, who filled it after being left so many years. The Asher actually heard about creepy story about the house, which taken the lives of the member of the previous family, but it don’t matter for them and they decide to have it. That was the same story of mine when my family move in to some house in the small town, Cilacap, everyone knows that our house is haunted but my parents choose to ignore, not because they’re brave enough but because the house was given by my dad’s office as a house office.

Alan Asher and his wife Emily also move their children, the teenagers Evan, Sara, and Anita for coincidence to be the exact number of the previous dead family. And there’s something weird about the attics that become Evan’s room. The central character was Evan, the weird phenomenon begun when Evan meet Sam, a girl who’s been crying in the woods, and to be honest if that happened to me I surely will step away from a creature who’s crying alone in the middle of nowhere like that…

This mysterious girl hanging out a lot with Evan and she stayed in his room at one night after she’s got fight with his father. I didn’t know about people in US, but here in Indonesia I will hung my son if he suddenly introduce some strange girl who came up from his room in the morning in our house. And the family let Sam live as she pleased on their house until the girl brought some trouble thing to Evan, like pursuing him to play supernatural radio that was belong to Franklin Morello.

One thing I found weird is how Matt, the boy who owned the room before Evan, reacted. By his voice that comes from supernatural radio he sounds mad to Evan, I didn’t know why, is it because he’s taken Matt’s room? But at the end of the of the story, Matt turns out to be a victim of the thing that haunted the house…is it better if the writer make Matt sounds to be a little bit hysterical? Afraid maybe? And he contacts them to warn them about the assassin creature…

The fact is, it sounds like to ghost didn’t like the appearance of Evan there so it’s something about seizure of territory. Many unusual things happened on this film, things that illogical like I’d said about a boy who introduced some girl with unknown status to his family, a family that not concern about strange girl who lived with one of their member in the attic, and how they left Evan alone at the house with the girl like that, how come little baby Samantha who carried by Franklin could return to his drunken father?

Well, these movies indeed haunt me? Not with the fine haunted scene but with unanswered question above…and with so many characters, the whole family, I think its worthless if it turns out that only two characters, Evan and Sam, that were being haunted…so worthless…

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Hammer Film Production
Directed by: John Pogue
Starring by: Jared Harris, Sam Clafin, Erin Richards, Rory Fleck-Byrne, Olivia Cooke

Didn’t expect much bang or ghost on this film because as I seen on its trailer it’s some kind of psychological horror, so there’s must be more act than appearance so that’s why I was surprised to see several of it at the end. During the hours I have busy to compares the film with the real fact, which had to be inspiration for this movie, that I’ve read on Phillip Experiment, it was some experiment of parapsychologists in Canada in 1970 who try to prove human mind could produce a ghost through imagination and visualization.

It began at Oxford in 1970 when Joseph Coupland was showed some cases on his parapsychology class. Joseph was the man who always tries to define supernatural thing with science, everything should have logic explanation and that’s why he hired Brian, local cameramen, to document his experiment with his two assistant, Krissi and Harry, to study and cured odd woman who’s possessed by demon names Jane Harper.

Joseph team were using modern and scientific methods like Electronic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) to tracks negative energy from ghost, sensor camera to photograph an aura from Jane to shown the figure of the thing that bothers her, they name it Evey and I found it very amazing in that period, also playing loud rock music in order to kept Jane from sleep so her agitation could increased the activity of that negative energy.

Science versus supernatural, that’s what I think about this film. Two elements that always interested when it’s collided, and Joseph, with his ideology and logic tried to explains every strange manner on Jane and persistence to his conclusion that Evey is only some creature that made inside the head of Jane. Brian upset because the experiments hurting Jane and its lack of ethic, it’s proves nothing than making their subject harming herself and the apparition of Evey get aggressive.

The cameramen who finally had doubt on Coupland theory finally looked up from some evidence on library and he found that the symbol that marked on Jane’s waist was a symbol of an occult sect called Lillitu, which worshiped Sumerian demon, and they killed a young girl a few years ago because they believe with doing so they could bring their god into the physical world. The young girl’s name was Evey Dwyer and with her abilities she killed all member of the sect by set them on fire inside a burning house.

It’s some example of a horror movie that used less visual effect, besides the apparition of a long tongue that come from Jane’s mouth, but the story it’s tense for me. The mixed between paranormal activity angle by Brian’s camera and a regular horror movie was fine. But the songs that played on that movie not represent the periods. Bertha Butt Boogie by Jimmy Castor Bunch was released in 1975 but it’s played on the movie which set up in 1974. And Cum On Feel the Noise by Slade indeed released in 1973 but appropriated in 1974. Perhaps Paranoid from Black Sabbath will do more.   

Another thing, if it’s true that Jane Harper was haunted by Evet Dwyer, or I’ve said Jane Harper is Evey Dwyer herself, why she said the ghost is a baby? A baby who’s trapped in fire, with some stuffed to convince the team that the appearance was baby creature, see also the shape under the blanket on the baby box while in reality Brian discovered that Evey Dwyer was trapped in fire when she was teen.  

Is she lies because she already knew that she’s Evey? Or it’s some mistake by misleading from the writer? Well, to found out about it I think you should check the movie on yourself…

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Jerry Bruckheimer Film
Directed by: Scott Derrickson
Starring by: Eric Bana, Edgar Ramirez, Sean Harris, Olivia Munn

Not many horror film involving police duty, most of all become crime fighting stories or action genres but in Deliver Us From Evil, Sergeant Ralph Sarchie was dealing with a prime crime, the devil himself to be fought. I like the way Priest Mendoza said about crime fighting like murder, burglary, domestic violence, riots and so on that humans do were only secondary layer of crime in the world. There’s a prime crime that had to dealing with and that was spiritual fighting.

Sarchie and Butler facing a serial weird situation during their patrols, a marine name Jimmy who beating up his wife, a mother name Jane who throw her baby into lion’s cage sewer, and mysterious painter who almost killed Sarchie with a lion at the zoo. His radar, that was Butler said to him, lead Sarchie that the numbers of situation turns out to be unusual case from other cases their handles.

His investigation found out that a group of marines that send to Iraq change the three of them, Mick Santino, Jimmy Tratner, and Buttler into some doors for Evil to pass to earth. From that, he also meet Jesuit Priest name Mendoza who’s dealing with spiritual warfare and told him about his gift, that Sarchie’s radar was a special abilities to sense supernatural world and make him target for the demons.

The fact that this movie inspired by true story of NYPD Sergeant made me think that the creep was truly happening out there. I think you’ll be surprised like me when I see the scene on Santino’s place, where a cat corpse was crucified at the cross at the wall. My goodness, I don’t know if you can stand scenery like that, especially when you saw the inside parts of the carcass had been removed.

The story itself was not so horrified, it full with sudden appearance and big bang, more like action horror to me but every part was placed into exorcism at the end of the story. I don’t know the connection between The Doors and the graffiti cave on Iraq, I don’t know why evil targeting Sarchie just because he had supernatural ability, I don’t why the evil had to wait until other members of Santino came to New York to kill them but one thing that Mendoza said to Sarchie that evil just attacked in random, you can’t see or know his pattern…well, I think I just got to deal with that…and enjoy the exorcist battles that I just know had five steps to deal with.

And I do like every single scene, despite the confusing story, especially the exorcist battle that full with video effect. But there’s continuity mistaken by the director, when Sarchie taking down Jimmy Tratner, after the marine beating up his wife, Jimmy slashed him on the arms that made Sarchie suffered deep gash and he state that it needs stitches, it was not showing on the next scene when Sarchie and Butler goes to the zoo. The scar was there no more.

And I think there’s mismatch between Catholic Pastor and Jesuit Priest. Mendoza said he was Jesuit Priest but most of what he do, like sin confessing and cast out demons using Latin and holly water, showing that he was doing what Catholic Pastor do on their exorcism. Jesuit priest did not used Latin, they used daily language and not throwing holly water like that. But some words that taken by Mendoza about ‘defrocked’ if he behave similarly, when he confessed his sin after make sex with his first patient, it was the phrase that used by Christian priest.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Intrepid Pictures
Directed by: Mike Flanagan
Starring by: Karen Gillan, Brenton Thwaites, Katee Sackhoff, Rory, Cochrane

Oculus…the title is very catchy…and when I look on dictionary, I find the meaning that Oculus came from Latin word, the eye. One of the wisdom words I remembered is beware of your eyes, it glance with shine when your heart is clean but it glance with darkness when your heart is dirty… and I think the title was quite fit with the story about mirror…

It start with the tragedy that happened on Russell family about eleven years ago, when Allan Russell, the father, shoot Marie Russell, the mother, in madness and some strange phantom lady show herself in office room of the father. The tragedy put young Tim, the little son, to mental hospital and separation with his sister, Kaylie. But after eleven years, Kaylie still chase for the mirror. When she finally found it, she also picks Tim that by coincidence got his release from states, and asked the brother to settle things back by destroying the mirror.

I like the tense when Kaylie got the chance to see the mirror again after years, face to face with the mirror that’s try to defend itself by scaring her with weird condition. I don’t know what will happen or what she’ll get if the man who owns the gallery doesn’t come. Obviously not third sculpture because there are only two of them in reality.

The film pace is slow but I understand the reason, the writer tries to build strong story by explain all thing in details. And I think it works well. The tense increase every minute, not by shocking performance of the ghost or loud noise but by the story and all possible situations that would terrifies you when you try to reveal some mysterious thing that could endanger your life. I’m in love with the character of Kaylie, she’s a woman who put everything in detail, from investigation about the mirror and set up her plans to destroy the mirror.

Shamelessly, I though she talks too much about her plan, over confidence that ceiling jack ram will do her purpose without distraction, and it makes the mirror, as individual if it is, think so hard to counter the plan. I mean, in logical, what will you do if someone set up some plans to kill you and he make words of it?

Moreover her motivation was weak, if she want to destroy the mirror why she try to prove her theory by letting the mirror drawing energy from living thing, gain the negative influence and take risk of her own death. In logical, just set up the timer and let the jack ram smashed the mirror in the first place. She doesn’t have to prove anything because all proves has been seen when she was a child. Or, if she finds it necessary to prove her theory, I think the dead plant is enough to show Tim that he’s wrong and after that just let loose the jack ram without setting up the timer.

Despite that, I liked the story, it was original idea, came up with back and forth plot that describe present and past, in the middle of it the story mixing present and past in the same plot. Excellent! It’s not only creepy but also confusing the audience for the end of the story. This story not also scary but fill with psychic drama, something that wouldn’t always like by major audience, for example in Indonesia, but it would get positive credits. And I think it’s paid when Oculus grossed $4,940,000 on its opening day, nearly equaling its production budget of $5 million.

Also, from the movie I’ve got fresh understanding why Kaylie and Tim didn’t get hallucination when they were young, it’s because the child has a pure heart. They were 11 and 10, by that age you would not think about evilness in you but when we’re grown up all hatred, anger, madness, and evil thing grows and like I said on the first line here, beware of your oculus when you looked back at the mirror, probably you look at the devil itself…

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Hitmaker Studio
Directed by: David Poernomo
Starring by: Sandy Aulia, Denny Sumargo, Igor Saykoji, Tasya Kamila

I know this movie before it's released on the cinema. Why? Because I’m about to writes about ghost at the mall. One that I know is Mall Klender, the place was on fire in 1998 cause by a riot and many victims get killed inside. When the internet said this film is about to launched, I can’t wait to watch because I need resume for my story.

7 years old Mila had prophecy that her supernatural sight will be reveals in age 23, like what her grandfather had. That prophecy makes Mila very curious about supernatural things. She and her friends becomes ghost hunter, come to many place that being haunted by demons but find nothing until they accept the challenge that come from newspaper to prove there’s no ghost in some mall.  What made it interesting is Mila is about 23 when they enter the mall.

The story was mixed by romantic relationship between Panji (Denny Sumargo) and Mila (Sandy Aulia) and the scary event when they’ve been locked up for 24 hours inside the mall. I like the bicycle scene, it’s when she joins Danang to ride a bike and circling the mall with it and in some dark alley they’re separated.  When the bicycle come to itself from the end of the alley, I thought it’s very cool effect…at last, Indonesian horror movie can make something like that…also when the foot print shown beside the vehicle, and Mila’s necklace hung in the air, and Mila thrown from the height and fall to the box that save her…it’s a fantastic series of scary things. I also like the idea about jalangkung doll inside the dolls box and grabs by grips of the box, when Pandji try to get some of it in order to give Mila a present.

But the fantastic series become suck at the scene when Pandji got thrown by a baby stroller that chasing them. How could he also fall over to a box that hold him from smashing the floor like what happened to Mila? Once is cool, but twice? I merely said that it’s lack of fantasy from the script writer…

It also said that there’s a lot of anger come from the supernatural creature that buried under mall’s foundation but awkward when Mila and her friends only take less skeleton from the storage at the basement, and it turns out that only one grave was prepared to bury the corpse that they found there. How come it only one corpse that they took while Mila was told that there’s many?

And once again, the top of the scene when Mila and her friends are being chased by a lot of monster before the morning come was cool for final scene but the make-up of the monsters bothered me for the umpteenth time, as always when I saw Indonesian horror movie, the makeup was awful.

But I admitted that the film had a good story, though the storyline got very slow, because it surprised me at the end when found out that Mila’s friends, Danang and Karina are ghost. They were killed by their best friend and lost their thrust in friendship until they meet Mila. Their relationship heals their pain and they accompany her anywhere when she becomes ghost hunter with Pandji. And Pandji, who warned by Danang and Karina not to tell Mila about them was nice because he continues to stands beside her no matter terrifies the situation goes.

The fact that Danang and Karina is ghost actually could predict because I’m questioning about their part. There’s no conversation between them and Pandji. And when Pandji got possessed by demon, they do nothing to help Mila except watch, as if they were beyond all the events. And it’s true…they are outsiders for reality world.

The word that can’t be forgotten on this film is when Pandji said to Mila, “The supernatural creature finds their way…they will revealed themselves to people when they want it. But when they do, the people who had supernatural sight couldn’t realize that they were ghost because he/she can’t distinguish them from the living.” 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Arcade Pictures
Directed by: Ed Gass-Donnelly
Starring by: Ashley Bell, Julia Garner, Spencer Treat Clark, Tarra Rigs

I don’t know about you guys…but in my opinion this film was poor…
Yes, evil might win…who says it can’t? But in this film, boy…it make me think twice before choosing the good side because the bad guys get a big prize and left nothing for the deeds beside death. What about the words that saying, win some and lose some?
After what happened in the first movie, survivor Nell Margaret Sweetzer, the girl who’s being possessed tries to put her life back together. They put her in the safe house call Deveraux Transition House who gives her some medical and psychological treatment to help her started a new life. Nell finds a job as a house keeper, mingle with her roommates at Deveraux, and get crush on her coworker, Chris. In this film Nell’s character was develops so much, I’m not refusing evolving character or developing story from the first one, I think it’s cool that Nell succeed to transform herself as a good person when she threw away her consciousness about evil that haunted her, Abalam, but it really not that cool if it takes almost half of the film.
The scary scene was very text book like the radio that turns on or turns off by itself when she clean the room at work, and the majority trick to scares audience was cheap because it lies on soft music playing before a loud bang with loud noises. I don’t why the scriptwriter put walk at the park scene because there’s no relevant with any scene at the back. Maybe they want to show how Nell gets along with her friend but they also want to put some tense to start the horrified part, which turns out to be poor one because the scene was not scary enough, especially with some goofy statue that come in a sudden on her back and tell her that her condition was just temporary.
I’m little a bit confused about Nell’s father also. Is he dead or not? On his first appearance on Nell’s room, I though the guy was dead, I thought he was a ghost because he could come and disappeared as he pleased from her room but when Gwen killed him at Frank’s room I was lost, whether he’s a spirit or ordinary human that also survive from the horrified tragedy on the first movie?
And the cult ordo of Cecille that try to get rid of the demons inside Nell’s body? C’mon, do you believe that something like voodoos could throw the devils away? Well, I don’t ! That’s why it was normal when the three of them get slain inside the house by Nell that finally being possessed once again by Abalam, the spiritual creature that love her much and get jealous when she fall in love with Chris.
Despite the poor scenes at all over the plot, still there’s a good scene which I enjoy on this film. It was when Nell comes outside the house with a boot shoes that belong to her friends, get inside the car then drove it to the highway which also burns all building that being passes by her vehicle to fulfill the prophecy that said evil will burns everything at the end of the world, and again it left us no choice than pick her side or live with nothing…well some might say so…and the exorcism will not last after all… 

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Blumhouse Production
Directed by: Scott Stewart
Starring by: Kerri Russel, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo, Kaddan Rocket

Loosing up a work could be difficult for everyone, especially for a husband who had a family to feed up, and that’s what happened to Barret’s family. Believe me, I know what it feels. The husband, Daniel, had no work for the last three months and it put a lot of strain on his relationship with Lacy, his spouse. That’s why the elder son, Jesse, always tell the story about sandman to his little brother, Sammy, every night so they shouldn’t have to listen the fight of their parent.

It turns out that the sandman story becoming real when Lacy found out weird thing inside the house like food stern across the kitchen floor, the missing vegetable from the fridge, and missing photo from the frames. They set up the alarm to detect and one night its scream aloud to warn the Barret, but they found out that the system was broke down because the sensor on nine spot was trespassed at the same time, which impossible to do by natural cause.

The awkward get high when Lacy and Daniel stuck up in a lost time. Lacy loss almost six hours when she thinks that she was companied a couple of client to look at the house, and Daniel loss three hours when he got up at night and walked out of the house unconsciously. If Lacy had a brushes on her forehead, Daniel had a nose-bleed. Until Lacy caught a strange figure standing on Sammy’s bed and when she turn on the light the room is empty and her little son was out already in the front yard.

Gather all strange events that occurred Lacy searching on internet to find the answer, and it makes me pleased when alien become the cause. It’s not ghost or supernatural power but alien. This movie becomes refresher for me…a sci-fi horror and as you can predict, it make the rest minute more exciting when I watched it.

I won’t tell about the ending because it wouldn’t surprise you, but I knew the end of the story when I heard Jesse says to Sammy, when he told him about the sandman, that his little brother had not to be worry because the sandman will come to him first. Dark Skies has a marvelous scene, the scene that I liked most, at massive dead of a bird that flew to the house, but the funny thing is when wildlife official who invited by Barret to check the birds says that she will do some autopsy on them.

I think autopsy only performed on human, but for animal? I don’t know the term but I don’t think autopsy is the right word. Other thing I found as a missing logic is the battery on Lacy’s I-phone. If she said that she loss 6 hours of her time on that day, so it probably a half left or almost empty.

I love the implicit message in this film, no matter hard the situation for the family members when they’re facing trouble that comes from external cause they should stick each other…care each other… watch each other so they wouldn’t let anything happened to one another. And look how tough Daniel is when he’s doing everything to protect his wife and kids.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Paramount Picture
Directed by: Christoper Landon
Starring by: Andrew Jacob, Jorge Diaz, Gabrielle Walsh, Renee Victor

It’s been a brand new year…the year of 2014…and this is my first review on this year. It feels too long since the last time I put Cherrie to this blog because I’ve been busy by some deadline…chased by publisher to give them a novel script about graveyard of Jeruk Purut…thanks God it’s finished and the first thing I did after that was going to the cinema and watch the next series of Paranormal Activity (ParAc)

Make a different perspective than ParAc 2,3, and 4 that using a child as main target of terrorize, in this 5th series Christoper Landon using a teenage of 18th years old Jesse who always get so curious about many thing on his neighborhood. The murder of Anna, the neighbor of Jesse, by Oscar on one night made Jesse want to know more about it and he take his buddy, names Hector to enter Anna’s house. They didn’t find interest thing in that house besides the murder spot which covered many blood. But after that night, Jesse got a strange mark on his hand.

Many strange things happened after he got the marked, the toy that can buzz itself when he talked to it, hovering in the air when he dropped himself, and invisible power that could threw pair of scumbag that want to take Jesse’s bag pack with force. Firstly, he found it was awesome thing but when he meet Oscar that warn him about the marked, and made suicide in front of him, Jesse could no longer accept all the strange thing and try to throw it out. But the curse already possessed him and he can’t get away easily so his grandmother and Hector had to find some help from a shaman priest.

The shaman priest gave an egg to her to exorcist the spirit inside Jesse, but they refuse. From that, the war began and Jesse managed to kill the old woman by pushing her through the stair. Hector and Marisol asking help from Arturo, Oscar’s brother who also a gang boss, to find and stop Jesse from being sacrifice at some haunted house that inform by Ali Rey. But they all got killed there by ghostly troops.

The series still makes bated breath while watching it, and I admired the expertise of the writer to connect the plot in this series to another, like when Hector entering the door of time which bring him back to scene on ParAc 1 when Micah was killed by Katie. But despite that, I think the suspense on The Marked Ones decreases, and the sighting of the ghost can’t be maintained.

I like ParAc 1, 2, 3 because they hold the sighting until the end of the story…truly at the end…so it creeps the audience because they don’t expected the monstrous face like that would appears. But on the marked ones, we could see the sighting at the middle scene, when Jesse entering Anna’s house to search his dog that lost inside the house, as a sighting of two little girl with spooky eyes.

Funny thing I’ve got when I watch The Marked One is when Hector shoot the wall that shrink and suddenly explode, with Jesse in front of it, right just after when Jesse’s grandmother scrub him with eggs that given from the shaman priest, the entire living room had mess up; picture was torn apart, chair was upside down, but there was no damage on the television at all, whereas the TV was place in the corner where the explosion had come. It’s a strange thing when considering LCD TV is very susceptible, little shock can damage the screen and that thing happened to my TV at home when my boy knocking our television by accidentally.

I don’t know about you, but I found out that Arturo, Oscar’s brother, was not truly a gang boss like Jesse and Hector said when they’re discuss about how terrified they were to report their tape about Oscar appearance on the night when Anna was murdered, because Arturo was the leader of vandal gang. When Marisol and Hector ask him for help it appears that Arturo only bring one of his friend…so much for the gang…if he’s really a gang leader, Arturo should bring a dozen men or more to demolish those who had killed Oscar. A dozen of gang member with arms against the supranatural forces of devil’s follower…that would make the battle much more interesting and become an interesting peak scene at the end of this series.